Optronics’ mission is to exceed our customer’s high expectations for quality, delivery, cost and product innovation through continuous improvement and customer interaction.


INTEGRITY – We commit to the highest level of ethical conduct wherever we operate and in all of our business relationships. Honesty and fairness will not be compromised.

CUSTOMERS – Customer retention and acquisition is a primary goal. In order to succeed, we are committed to working with our customers to establish goals, requirements and expectations. We will then exceed them.

EMPLOYEES – People are our most important resource. We are committed to providing a team oriented environment where our employees can meet their potential and thrive in an atmosphere of excellence.

SHAREHOLDERS – We are committed to consistently providing our investors an attractive investment over the long term.

INNOVATION – We both welcome and accelerate change for the opportunities it provides. We maintain a corporate culture that values originality, creativity and innovation that both drives and responds to inevitable change.

EMPOWERMENT – An empowered employee making fast decisions can mean the difference between a delighted customer and just a satisfied one. We empower our employees to make quick decisions and give them the authority to carry them out.

EFFICIENCY – Efficiency and productivity can mean the difference between success and failure. We will tirelessly pursue better, faster and more economical ways to do everything we undertake.